Cyber Security Basics
Get the Basics Right
Many think cyber security is extremely complex, and while it can be, if you don’t get the basics right your business will struggle to remain protected. Here is what our security experts recommend. Let us help you breathe easy with the basics that will provide the essential security measures your business needs to keep running smoothly.
- Use secure passwords.
- Use Multi-factor Authentication.
- Device security with endpoint protection.
- Train your staff with the basics.
- Keep your software up to date.
Scroll down for more in-depth cyber security basics information.
The Basics in Depth
Strong Passwords
Longer passwords are stronger, so we recommend your password policy enforces 14 character passwords and encourage users to use phrases. Passwords need to be checked against a database of compromised passwords when created or during periodic password audits.
Multi-Factor Authentication
Multi factor Authentication (MFA) is one of the most effective ways to protect Internet-facing services from unauthorized access. Best practice is to remove all unnecessary services from the Internet and ensure all essential, remaining services use strong authentication. Ensure applications, collaborations and sharing settings are configured to appropriately secure your environment. If your business has Office 365 then you need to use multi factor authentication as standard protection.
Endpoint Protection
Don’t get infected! Virus or endpoint protection needs to be smarter than the modern malware. The latest best-of-breed solutions employ AI and watch behaviour on top of simply checking files for known virus signatures.
Staff Training
Attackers can target your staff with a range of different social engineering techniques and no security tool can stop all malicious emails. One of the best way to protect your business is raising awareness of key risks and understand what to do when you see something suspicious. Phishing simulations raise awareness throughout your business and let staff practice the skills they learn. Training effectiveness can be tracked in comprehensive reporting.
Update your Software
Software is continually getting more complex and connected resulting in more vulnerabilities and the impact being greater. Identifying security vulnerabilities and attackers quickly weaponizing exploits is leading to less time to address. It is critical that systems and applications are updated.